
Liberation - page 15

Liberation has 106 articles published.


in Countercurrent

Prof. Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant

September 11, 2018

The broad united front promoted by the CPP against the Duterte tyranny is open to all patriotic forces. But as far as I know, there are yet no talks between the CPP and Trillanes group or the Liberal Party. Duterte is lying and bluffing by claiming that there are recorded conversations provided by a foreign government.

I know Duterte long enough as a congenital liar and an incorrigible political swindler. And I challenge him to present publicly what he claims as recorded conversations. The experts will easily expose the fakery if he dares to present anything. This could be something like his invented foreign bank accounts of Trillanes.

There has never been any discussion between me or the CPP with Trillanes or the Liberal Party about ousting Duterte from power. But it is no secret that the CPP wishes to promote a broad united front of patriotic forces and encourage the broad masses of the people in their millions to rise up and oust Duterte, as Marcos and Estrada were ousted in 1986 and 2001, respectively.

The moment of ouster will occur when Duterte´s own military and police forces withdraw support from Duterte upon the sight and inspiration of the rising people in their millions throughput the archipelago. Duterte is now worried to death and so desperate as to imagine that he would be ousted this coming October.

But it might take a little more time to build up the broad united front and the mass movement and prepare the way for the key military and police officers to withdraw support from Duterte. At any rate, Duterte will be lucky if he survives 2018 and even luckier if he survives middle of 2019.

There are two currents against the political survival of Duterte aside from the determined effort of the people to oust him. These are his deteriorating physical and mental health manifested by his much darkened face and insane statements and his own abusive actions towards establishing a fascist dictatorship under the pretext of charter change to federalism. Such abusive actions (suppression of dissent and declaration of martial law nationwide) and can provoke the acceleration of efforts to oust Duterte.

Regarding Duterte´s slander that I am a terrorist, I must remind him that I have long been cleared of the charges of terrorism by the European Court of Justice since 2009. This is the court that has had jurisdiction over me.

It is Mr. Duterte who is the barefaced and shameless terrorist. He openly incites his police and military minions to abduct people without judicial warrant and frame them up as resisting arrest (nanlaban) and murder them in big number as in Oplans Tokhang and Kapayapaan. He also openly assures his criminal accomplices in authority of presidential protection and impunity and rewards them with cash payments per victim and promotions in rank.

State terrorism is being used by Duterte to intimidate the people and keep himself in power while he aggravates the basic socio-economic and political problems afflicting the people. As soon as Duterte is ousted from power, he will be subject to arrest for crimes against humanity and trial by the ICC. He will be lucky though if the disease blackening his face and manifesting the deterioration of his physical and mental health will save him from trial. ###

A Tribute

in Arts & Literature/Cherish/Gallery

Liberation compiled Maya Daniel’s last posts (17 poems and visuals according to his last Facebook post on August 14, 11:55 p.m.). Maya Daniel, is one of Felix Saldito’s nom de guerre. He posted these poems 10 minutes before he and six other comrades were massacred by elements of the 61st Infantry Battalion of the 301st Brigade-Philippine Army and Philippine National Police (PNP) on August 15, 12:05 a.m. in San Jose, Antique.

Liberation salutes Felix Saldito, Eldie Labinghisa, Peter Mecinas, Karen Ceralvo, and Liezl Bandiola, education and propaganda staff of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in Panay. Also killed were their companions Jayson Talibo and Jayson Sanchez.

All were unarmed and non-combatants.


Provincial Capitol Grounds

August Poem

Rainwalkers #12

There’s a growing force

what’s up, etc



A blast, at any hour of the day

Talk with peasants

package of bones

Puff the bloom


I prepared a small anthology of poems for you



in Countercurrent

NDFP National Council Public Information Office

August 3, 2018

Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana is at it again.

He did not let the opportunity pass to equate the revolutionary forces with bandits when he said “If we have peace talks with the CPP, why not the ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group)?”

Lorenzana made this remark immediately after his boss Rodrigo Duterte said he was open to talks with the ASG, which is notorious for its involvement in kidnapping for ransom and murdering hostages who fail to comply with the bandit group’s ransom demands.

At the same time, Lorenzana revealed his perverse concept of the peace negotiations as nothing but surrender talks. He made no mention of, or dismissed altogether, the need for thoroughgoing reforms to resolve the roots of armed conflict.

No wonder he could actually countenance holding talks with the ASG.

Lorenzana must now be eating crow because a day after his statement, a suspected suicide bomber from the ASG killed 10 people in Lamitan, Basilan.

Lorenzana can avoid humiliating himself in the future by abandoning the tack of peace negotiations as surrender talks. That way, he will not be coming up with such absurd statements, and the GRP-NDFP peace talks can be put back on track. ###


in Countercurrent

Fidel Agcaoili
Chairperson, NDFP Monitoring Committee

National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon, Jr., is once again lying through his teeth as he desperately tries to evade accountability for more than a thousand cases of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances under the Gloria Arroyo regime.

He is doubly desperate to evade culpability, as he now also finds himself in danger of sinking along with his current master Rodrigo Duterte’s wobbly ship.

As Philippine Army deputy chief of staff for operations, Special Operations Command chief, Philippine Army commanding general and later AFP chief of staff–positions he occupied from 2003 to 2008–Esperon, in tandem with Norberto Gonzales, cannot deny responsibility for serving as the main architect of the Arroyo regime’s brutal fascist attacks during this period against activists, mass leaders and suspected revolutionaries, including priests, trade unionists and poor peasants, journalists, and academicians.

Among the most notorious cases of human rights violations perpetrated by the Esperon-led military under Gloria Arroyo’s helm were the enforced disappearances of activist Jonas Burgos, UP students Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan and 10 NDFP consultants and staff (for which cases have been filed with the UN Human Rights Committee). From 2001 to the end of Gloria Arroyo’s term in 2010, there were more than 1,300 cases of political killings and enforced disappearances, including the assassination of NDFP consultant Sotero Llamas.

In 2006, Special Rapporteur Phillip Alston saw through Esperon’s lies as the latter attempted to blame the killings on the Left. Alston dismissed the so-called documentary proof presented by Esperon, saying they bore “all the hallmarks of a fabrication and cannot be taken as evidence of anything other than disinformation”.

Now that this bloody record is being raised anew by a public outraged at the rise in power of his former commander in chief Arroyo, Esperon is attempting to deflect the unwanted attention by again blaming the Left.

He misleads the public by mixing up two incidents that occurred almost 20 years apart–the alleged mass killings in Inopacan, Leyte in the 1980s (where the “evidence” consists of the incredible testimonies of military assets and an assortment of skeletal remains dug up from public cemeteries) and the widespread state-sponsored extrajudicial killings from 2003 to 2007 that Alston was investigating, and for which Esperon was as culpable as his boss Arroyo.
Esperon is so desperate that he could only recycle the same ill-conceived lies of long ago that, unfortunately for him, no intelligent mind would buy.

Sooner than later, he will be held to account both for his damning history as Arroyo’s henchman, as well as for crafting the Duterte regime’s national security strategy that has mandated, among others, the scuttling of the peace negotiations in favor of all-out war, the vilification of the people’s liberation movement as terrorist, the killing of hundreds of unarmed activists in the countryside, the manufacture of bogus criminal cases against revolutionaries and leaders of the progressive mass movement and the enactment of increasingly repressive laws to stifle dissent.###

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