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webadmin has 114 articles published.


in Editorial
by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant
May 30, 2020

It is clear that the Duterte regime is engaged in the killing of leading social activists as a high priority of state terrorism. The people are outraged and are demanding justice. The honor list of martyred social activists is rapidly growing.

The social activists can fight back by multiplying their ranks through perseverance in arousing, organizing and mobilizing the masses openly and yet letting the revolutionary forces accumulate strength that is not exposed to their enemy.

They should be guided by the lesson that when the fascist scheme of Marcos became clear from 1969 to 1971 the revolutionaries waged mass struggles and at the same time developed the urban underground and sent more activists to the countryside for people’s war.

I have noted that there are those who demand that justice be obtained by the armed revolutionary movement with lightning strikes against the human rights violators and plunderers to counter the rampage of state terrorism.

They point out that the Duterte regime is hell-bent on launching a campaign of mass arrests and mass murder in urban areas in a vicious scheme to suppress the legal democratic forces and the broad opposition and impose fascist dictatorship on the people.

According to insiders in the Duterte regime, the butcher-in-chief and his minions in the National Task Force-ELCAC and the so-called Anti-Terrorism Council have a consensus that they can wipe out the cause-oriented organizations and the entire opposition by murdering Tokhang-style 100,000 social activists in the name of anti-communism.

The decision to carry out punitive actions against the urban-based human rights violators and plunderers belongs to the revolutionary forces of the people. Such actions can also compel more armed minions of the tyrannical regime to do guard duty in urban areas and trunk lines and lessen the number of enemy troops in the countryside.

The Duterte regime is escalating the oppression and exploitation of the people as the domestic ruling system and the world capitalist system are debilitated by the rapidly worsening economic and political crisis. The people are being forced to fight back under conditions favorable to armed revolution.###




in Editorial
by Jose Maria Sison
NDFP Chief Political Consultant
May 19, 2020

Duterte is overly confident that in the last two years of his legal term of office he will not be a political lameduck under the pressure of his accumulated crimes and failures, the spread of mass discontent, the rise of the broad legal opposition and the rivalries among his own political followers.

The source of overconfidence is the loyalty of the highest military and police officers whom he has pampered with tax money and opportunities for self-enrichment in so many corrupt and criminal ways and his absolute control of the Comelec which he can use to fake the results of any voting exercise as he did in the 2019 mid-term elections.

Based on the foregoing facts, Duterte has a number of options which in his subjective he can use to forestall the prospect of stepping down and ensure that he will not be held accountable in the Philippines for the gross crimes of treason, butchery and plunder that he has committed as well as for the crimes against humanity which the International Criminal Court is expected to summon him for prosecution and trial.

So long as he can still walk and order his armed and bureaucratic minions, despite his serious physical and mental infirmities, Duterte keeps as his main option charter change under the pretext of shifting to “federalism” under a highly centralized fascist dictatorship. Thus, he expects to stay in power even beyond 2022 and he can make even more certain that a dynastic heir succeeds him in case of death or total disability.

He hopes to clinch charter charge through his loyalists in Congress and in the Supreme Court and satisfy both his US and Chinese patrons by assuring them and their corporations of 100 percent ownership of land, natural resources, public utilities and all other types of enterprises, despite the growing contradictions between the US and China.

Ensuring his replacement by a dynastic successor, like his daughter Sarah or someone else loyal to him, is one more major option for Duterte like Marcos in the past threatening the people with his wife Imelda as likely successor in case of his death or total disability. This option is closely related to the third option, which is to make way for a military junta to take over.

The current political value for Duterte in having a military junta in prospect is to flatter the military and whet its loyalty to him and at the same time threaten the opposition and the people with the prospect of military junta ruling the country in case of his death or total disability at any time or the failure of his dynastic successor to take over his position.

To threaten the opposition and the people, Duterte has systematically appointed recently retired military officers to take over departments and functions of government normally run by civilian officials. He has practically militarized and fascisticized his Cabinet and entire government upon his false claim that the military are more efficient than civilian officials, despite abundant proof of bigger corruption and inefficiency under a militarist and commandist rule.

In view of all the foregoing observations, the Duterte regime will continue without let up to vilify and escalate all-out war against the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People’s Army and the rest of the revolutionary forces of the people in order to command and manipulate the military and police forces to serve his options of staying in power beyond 2022, ensuring a dynastic heir as successor and threatening the people with the prospect of coming under a military junta.

The revolutionary movement of the people and all the honest and well-meaning peace advocates must cast away all illusions that it is possible to negotiate peace with the Duterte regime. They may still call for the resumption of peace negotiations if only to expose the Duterte regime as the enemy of just peace. But they must realize by now that it is against the selfish interest of the tyrant Duterte to resume peace negotiations.

More than ever Duterte is hell-bent on heating up the armed conflict with the revolutionary movement in order to keep the military and police as his private army and vassals in order to realize his selfish political objectives. The revolutionary government and the broad masses of the people have no choice but to intensify all forms of struggle against the increasingly oppressive and exploitative Duterte regime.

Duterte and his armed minions are carried away by their bloodlust and their delusion that they can eliminate the revolutionary movement through sheer anticommunist psywar and military suppression. They are oblivious of the facts that the economic and political crises of both the semicolonial and semifeudal ruling system and the world capitalist system are rapidly worsening at an unprecedented rate.

They obscure to themselves the fact that the armed revolutionary movement of the people has grown in strength cumulatively from its modest beginnings since 1969 because it has resolutely and vigorously struggled against the Marcos fascist regime, all the post-Marcos pseudo-democratic regimes and now the current Duterte tyranny.

Because of the ever worsening social, economic and political crisis of the ruling system, the people’s democratic revolution has thrived and become strong through protracted people’s war. The revolutionary party of the proletariat, the people’s army, the revolutionary mass organizations, the united front and the local organs of political power which constitute the people’s democratic government have grown in strength and advanced nationwide.

On this basis, the broad masses of the people are expecting the intensification and expansion of tactical offensives against the armed minions of the Duterte regime as well as special punitive operations against the most notorious human rights violators and plunderers. All patriotic and progressive forces and people express hope and confidence that the new democratic revolution through protracted people’s war will further grow in strength and advance at a rate faster than ever before.

Duterte is obviously trying to ride on the crisis of the ruling system in order to push forward his scheme of fascist dictatorship against the people. But he has offended powerful sections and groups of the comprador big bourgeoisie and landlord class by favoring at their expense his own oligarchic greed and his own upstart business cronies who depend on his bureaucratic power and loot, Chinese loans and dirty money from the smuggling of illegal drugs and other commodities.

He is repeating the same mistake that Marcos committed in favoring his own family and his cronies as the new oligarchs against the long-established oligarchs. There is now an increasingly bitter struggle within the narrow ranks of the exploiting classes, as Duterte and his cronies try to muscle in on well-established profitable enterprises, launder the bureaucratic loot of Duterte and acquire the key enterprises in real estate, construction, public utilities, telecommunications, mass media, transport, mining, plantations and so on.

Also, Duterte cannot be too sure that he owns and controls the entire military and police forces. There are enlightened military and police officers who respect the national and democratic rights and aspirations of the people and who disagree with the traitorous, genocidal, corrupt and extremely exploitative and oppressive policies and actions of the Duterte regime and are discreetly recruiting adherents and preparing for the right time to support the mass movement to oust the regime.

There are patriotic as well as pro-US officers who strongly oppose China’s control of the national power grid, the installation of Chinese-controlled cell towers in Philippine military camps and Duterte’s active support for China’s building and militarization of islands in the West Philippine Sea, despite the legal victory of the Philippines in 2016 against the baseless claim of China. The open emergence of anti-Duterte officers from the ranks of retired and active military and police forces can be fatal to the Duterte tyranny like it was to the Marcos fascist regime in 1986.

And of course the ability of the Catholic church to call its flock to oust a tyrannical regime cannot be underestimated if we recall how such an institution cooperated with other forces in society in bringing down the Marcos fascist dictatorship in 1986. There is no love lost between Duterte and the Catholic Church, In fact, he has offended the Church directly far more than Marcos ever did. He has publicly cursed the God and doctrines of the entire Church, vilified the bishops, priests and nuns and called on his following to attack them physically.

While the armed revolutionary movement of the people are focused on;f launching tactical offensives and mobilizing the masses against the Duterte regime, it must also pay attention to the possibilities of ousting the regime before 2022, ensuring that it does not rule beyond 2022 and making short shrift of the regime if it goes beyond 2022 through charter change, vote rigging, martial law or any other trick.

When the circumstances arise for the ouster of the Duterte regime, the revolutionary mass movement can participate in a broad united front, prepare for peace negotiations with a new regime and make further advances in the people’s movement for full national independence, democracy, social justice, all-round development and international solidarity for just peace and development. ###


7 DAHILAN NA INSECURE SI DUTERTE Human Security Act: Sagot sa insecurity ni Duterte

in Countercurrent

He talks like a strongman. His generals claim they are winning the war against the people and their revolutionary vanguard, the CPP. Yet, the Duterte regime reveals its deep insecurity as it now seeks more draconian measures. Why add new fangs to the “Human Security Act” if indeed they are strong and winning? Why add more violations of international humanitarian laws to their record? Why court further international and local condemnation in legalizing their terror acts against the people?

The Duterte government’s populist press releases contradict its actions. Knowing it can no longer hide its constant betrayal of the people’s interests, it quakes in fear of the people’s mounting anger. To preempt ouster moves and revolutionary upheavals, it wants to blanket the country under a more severe “Human Security Act” or “Anti-Terror Law.”

It wants to criminalize the mere thinking, supporting or linking of moves for truth-telling, helping one another and taking positive steps for reforms and revolutionary change. It seeks to give more power to state forces that already stink of hulidap, ‘nanlaban’ overkill, kotong, fake drug bust, fake surrenders, fake encounters, and fake victories.

The US-Duterte regime’s ‘popularity’ and ‘supermajority’ are toxic bubbles puffed up by fake news, election rigging, corruption, and state coercion. The more this regime feels insecure, the more it resorts to tyranny. But the more tyrannical it gets, the more it reveals that it is weakening. In the face of this government’s intensifying cruelty, the people must persevere in seeking and supporting revolutionary change.

The following are some of the inescapable reasons why the US-Duterte regime is getting more insecure and weak:


The Duterte regime promised but failed to deliver peace talks and peace agreements with meaningful social and economic reforms. Instead, it unleashed a de-facto martial law by way of the National Task Force to End Local Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). It is spending public funds profligately but earning the people’s ire with its abuses, faked results, forced cooperation of communities, local governments, and government agencies.


As Duterte fondly likes to say, his regime excels in ‘kill, kill, kill’ victimizing mostly poor and innocent people.


Duterte is reprising, with worse updates, Marcos’ and Macapagal-Arroyo’s debt-driven, corrupt, crony-infested, blatantly favorable to foreign investors economic policies.


The Duterte regime’s popularity is slipping fast because of his treasonous, plunderous policies. Duterte’s minority votes (39%) are rapidly getting disenchanted by his unfulfilled promises. No substantial wage hike. No end to contractualization. No independent foreign policy. No peace.


The US-Duterte regime excels at freeing plunderers, enacting laws that are bad for the people and the environment. The reason: Thanks to electronically rigged results, the most corrupt and mendacious of politicians can get ‘elected.’ They are expensive to maintain, however. They face the people’s fury, and that of their rival politicians.


Natural and human-made disasters are showing up the Duterte regime’s criminal prioritization of pork and the military over the people’s welfare and social services.


By now it’s obvious Duterte’s “independent foreign policy” is his catch-all lie for taking puppetry to a higher level. He is puppet to not just one but two (US and China) imperialists, making deals with both at the expense of the Filipino people, patrimony, and sovereignty.

The US-Duterte regime’s insecurities won’t be resolved by its push to legalize and enhance its brute cruelty through the Anti-Terror Law. The Filipino people will always thirst for actual social and economic reforms. In collective defense of our people’s enduring aspirations for revolutionary change, we must unite and work to end the US-Duterte regime. Let us put an end to all its useless, bloody schemes to cling to power. ###




in Statements
by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant

27 February 2020

The Philippine Senate, now dominated by an overwhelming number of pro-Duterte senators as a result of the rigging of the 2019 mid-term elections, has approved Senate Bill 1083, otherwise known as the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, seeking to amend the Human Security Act of 2007.

The bill aims to legalize and aggravate the already rampant state terrorism of red tagging, arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial killings on the pretext of anti-terrorism. It is meant to further entrench the de facto fascist dictatorship of Duterte without need of any formal declaration of martial law as Marcos did in 1972.

Like the term subversion during the Cold War and martial rule under Marcos, terrorism is vaguely defined to make it a catch-all term for any concerted action or any common crime and for taking punitive measures against the broadest range of opposition, critics and social activists in violation of basic democratic rights and fundamental freedoms.

The bill seeks to penalize those presumed by the authorities to propose, incite, conspire, participate in the planning, training, preparation, and facilitation of a “terrorist” act; as well as those presumed to provide material support to “terrorists”, and recruit members for a “terrorist” organization.

It enables the police or military personnel to arbitrarily place individuals and organizations under surveillance; compel telcos to divulge calls and messages; arrest these people without warrant, and detain them for an extended period up to 14 days.

It allows the preliminary proscription of suspected “terrorist” organizations prior to their being given an opportunity to be informed of the charge and avail of counsel and judicial review.

It lowers the standard for warrantless arrest and detention.

It removes from the Human Security Act of 2007 the compensation for persons wrongfully detained. Without any liability, the hounds of the state will violate human rights with impunity and on a wider scale than ever before.

Regional trial courts can outlaw individuals and organizations as “terrorists” on the mere say so of the regime, the police or military as well as upon the request of foreign or supra-national agencies. The imperialist masters will also benefit from the state terrorism of the Duterte puppet regime.

We can be certain that the regime and its military and police agents will engage in surveillance, warrantless arrests and arbitrary detention, cruel and disproportionate punishments, and violations of the right to freedom of association, free expression, right to privacy, mobility, and to due process.

The Lower House of Congress, also dominated by the pro-Duterte supermajority united by pork barrel corruption, is also in the process of passing a so-called anti-terrorism bill like that of the Senate. Such bill is synchronized with bills for changing the charter and extending the terms of elective government officials.

The Duterte regime and its followers know no limits in their escalation of the oppression and exploitation of the broad masses of the people. They are closing every possibility for peace negotiations with the NDFP.

They are inciting the people to wage all forms of resistance in defense of their national and democratic rights.

As did the Anti-Subversion law in the past, the current “anti-terrorist” legislation by the running dogs of Duterte in Congress will not deter the people’s revolutionary movement but will persuade more millions Filipinos to take the road of armed revolution in order to achieve their national and social liberation from the semicolonial and semifeudal conditions that have been made more intolerable than ever by the the tyranny of the Duterte regime. ###



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