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NPA - page 10

Rebirth of Drug Victims

in Mainstream
Pat Gambao


A Run for Noble Meaning

After being a user-runner of narcotic drugs in a town in Central Luzon, Ato (not his real name), 21 years old, who had been into the addictive habit since he was 14, has metamorphosed to become a runner for the NPA and a youth organizer.

The transformation all started that night he was “hostaged” by a group of armed men whom he first thought were policemen. But they did not have a mobile car. Instead of taking him for a ride, they led him to the green fields where mango trees thrived. Other armed men came and they eventually introduced themselves as NPA. A man and a woman started talking to him as he trembled in fear.  They said they knew about his felonious activities. They pointed out that that was a grave crime to the people and the revolutionary movement. He was further interrogated about his activities, made to explain and finally warned sternly. He thought it was his end but to his surprise they escorted him back home where he found his wife, parents and siblings waiting. He realized he had been set up. For the first time, he felt terribly shamed as the NPA enjoined him before his family.

Since then Ato persevered to shake off the bad habit. In time, upon learning he had reformed, the NPA visited him. This time instead of admonition, the NPA discussed with him the situation in their barrio and of its people, the how and why of it. Later, having confirmed that has really changed, the NPA began inviting him to meetings, study sessions and in the formation of youth organizations in the barrio.  He organized even those he used to sell drugs to. This time, Ato coaxed the youth to worthwhile activities that would keep them away from drugs. He even helped some of them find jobs in construction projects where was working.

That began Ato’s involvement with the NPA.  That also fired his interest in the cause of his barriomates and his eagerness to serve them, especially the youth.

He volunteered to help the NPA catch the big-time dealer who used to supply him with addictive drugs when they received reports that he was in the vicinity. The NPA had actually received many complaints about this guy. The NPA educated Ato on revolutionary justice and the workings of the people’s court. It enlightened him on the process undergone by the accused, who had committed a crime against the movement and the people–from the time complaints were received by the people’s government or the revolutionary mass organizations to the time the case was heard and until conviction.

When the big-time drug dealer was spotted, the NPA moved to arrest him to be tried in the people’s court but he fought back. The arresting army was forced to retaliate and shoot him. Justice was given at last to the lives he had destroyed for his personal gain.


Fulfilled Dreams in the Womb of the Revolutionary Movement

The scarce prospects of jobs and money in the rural areas have drove the youth to the cities. Bay and Dong (not their real names) were among those lured by the mythical marvel of the cities. They left home and ventured to seek greener pastures in the cities of their dreams.

Both Bay and Dong came from peasant families in the Visayas. Their families own small farms planted to rice and corn, as well as some farm animals.  But due to the expensive farm inputs and usurious rates on their borrowed capital, they were hard-pressed.

Bay is the ninth of ten siblings. His competence in tending to farm animals, left with him the responsibility for their care which he enjoyed doing. Meanwhile, aware of the big expenses incurred in the schooling of his siblings, he was pleased to give way. Bay finished grade two only.

Eventually, as life turned formidably difficult, their farm animals, to which he had developed a special rapport, were one by one sold. To his dismay, he left their town with a cousin for Cebu City.

In Cebu, Bay bumped into rogues who pushed addictive drugs. At aged 12, Bay was tall and robust and his bucolic innocence made him a perfect catch to collaborate in their illegal activities. They tapped him as a drug-runner for a fee. They put sachets of the additive drugs all over his body concealed beneath his clothes. He was then sent to a designated place where men came to him and frisk his body for the drugs. He was paid well (P500 per delivery, which was usually twice) plus a sniff into the illicit substance. For a pastoral boy like him, it was a prized yield.

Hoping Bay could find a better job elsewhere, his brother fetched him from Cebu and took him to Manila. They stayed in an urban poor community in Tondo. At 14, Bay was tall and big for his age that he could easily be mistaken for an adult. Yet jobs were elusive and he again became prey to drug traffickers. This time around, transactions were bigger and clients were numerous.

Like Bay, Dong left for the city to look for better opportunities. While Bay was into drug running, Dong was merely hooked into the additive drugs as he did odd jobs for a living – newspaper/candy/cigarette vending, acting as porter in the pier of Manila near his home, driving “padyak” (a bicycle with a sidecar to carry people). In a life, where the hurdle is a Herculean challenge, where each day is a struggle to survive, thoughts of direction and purpose in life are set aside. Drug addiction is a handy escape from reality. This led Dong to a debauched, wretched life. He was into senseless vice and activities – drugs, gambling, drinking, womanizing, rumbles.

Meanwhile, Bay’s drug trade prospered after meeting a big-time drug dealer in his new abode in Sampaloc. While he used to peddle only a few kilos of shabu, this time it was bagful of the drugs in a “palit-bag” (bag-exchange) scheme in malls. The bag of additive drugs is deposited in the customer counter and the tag will be exchanged for money from the buyer who would then retrieve the bag.

Drug trafficking is a lucrative business and the high from the illicit substance gives a feeling of artificial relief and comfort albeit the disastrous consequences. Aside from the harm to one’s health, the illicit substance emboldens one to commit crimes.

With his similarly drug-intoxicated cohorts, Bay would rob people who were too drunk to go home and fell asleep in Rizal Park. He had heard of worse crimes resulting from drug addiction such as killings and rapes. However, the worst crime he ever committed was dragging his wife and mother-in-law into the trade, turning them to couriers.

Arrested twice for his illegal activities – one in Malabon and the other in Tayuman, he had experienced detention at the Malabon jail before his handler bailed him out.  The next time around, he was merely admonished as it was the same police officer who had accosted him before.

Bay and Dong crossed paths in Sampaloc, where both drive pedicabs. While Bay was peddling drugs, Dong was just a user. Their camaraderie developed when they both joined the protest action against the planned phase-out of pedicabs in Manila. That struggle forged a bond between the pedicab drivers as well as the other community members who joined the protest. However, the organizers warned them not to sit on their laurels as the government might strike again to keep them away from the streets of the city. Heeding the advice, they organized themselves and planned courses of action to strengthen their organization. Initially, they held a meeting to assess their victorious fight and learn lessons from both its strengths and weaknesses. They held series of meetings, forums and study sessions thereafter, which had kept them busy. Here they discussed their situation and the causes thereof. They discussed the evil of drugs and such other vicious habits prevalent in urban poor communities. They were made to understand that this debauchery was precipitated by the decadent social system that profit from it.  That it deliberately divert their attention from the problems dogging them so that they would not understand their causes and dare to find solutions that would boomerang on the system.

There were documents and books to read to boost their knowledge. Dong could have coped with the readings but Bay, having reached only grade two and a long time ago, faced some difficulty. He cringed in his seat to avoid being asked to read. However, he understood the discussions and really got interested that he strove to go back to whatever stock knowledge he had and learned to read by himself.

The organization not only raised their social consciousness, it gave them a sense of purpose and direction. They organized in the community and shared to them the lessons they have learned from the movement. Raising people’s consciousness, they believe, will spare them from being deceived forever. This is a modest service they could give to these people. They also shared the revolutionary discipline that they had imbibed from the movement.

Bay has realized the inanity of all his escapades in the drug mess. With the birth of his second child, he left his dubious past behind. He feels he is reborn, a new and changed man ready to confront the challenges of life and to impart meaning to others’ lives in the community where he belongs.

Enlightened like Bay, Dong opted to join the revolutionaries in the countryside. Yet he is very much aware that distance alone from drugs would not rid of addiction. It takes more to wipe out the bad influence of a decadent society. It takes revolutionary discipline and a noble mission, the lofty aspiration for people’s national liberation. ###

Coronacion “Waling-Waling” Chiva

in Cherish

Waling-waling is a beautiful orchid that blooms in the deep recesses of the forests of Panay contending for sunlight with intertwining vines and branches. In analogy, the Coronacion “Waling-waling” Chiva Regional Command of the New People’s Army in Panay continues its struggle amid class contradiction for liberation from the oppressive semi-feudal semi-colonial social order.

The Command was named after a woman, whose husband’s recognition of her valor and tenacity accorded her the nom de guerre Waling-waling.

Coronacion “Waling-waling” Chiva and her husband, Andres Togonon or Amang Ali, were members of the old Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (HMB) in Panay, which waged an armed struggle against the Japanese invaders and later against the ruling US-puppet government. Andres was the political officer of the HMB while Corning became a commander of an HMB unit. They gallantly fought the armed forces of the reactionary government until the incorrect political line and adventurist stance of the Lava leadership, in its frantic dash for power, permeated the HMB in Panay causing its decline and eventual collapse. Commander Waling-waling led the platoon that made the last stand against the enemy in Nalbugan, Bingawan, Iloilo. Eighteen of them were surrounded by 80 soldiers of the Expeditionary Force of the Philippine Army. Waling-waling’s will to fight to the end was doused by the sight of her men who were skeptical of the wisdom to continue the fight. She reluctantly ordered to put down their arms. For the first time in her guerrilla life, she cried. It was difficult to accept that the armed struggle of the HMB and the Party in Panay had ended.

Corning was arrested and joined her husband, Andres, in detention. Andres was earlier on arrested while teaching cadres and commanders of the old CPP and HMB at the Stalin University in the forested area of Taroytoy, Libacao, Aklan. Andres was among the five survivors of the Toroytoy massacre that took the lives of 36 leading HMB members. In collusion with Pablo Hipana, one of the students, the Battalion Combat Team of the enemy managed to encircle and attack the school.

Upon release from prison, Andres and Corning continued to organize workers in Davao. When they returned to Barangay Alibunan, Calinog in Panay, the national democratic revolution with a correct political line has advanced. A team of the New People’s Army (NPA) was deployed in Panay in 1971. The team, which got in touch with Corning and Andres, received a warm and cordial welcome. The resurgence of the revolution in Panay was a dream come-true for the couple. For despite the dismantling of the HMB, the revolutionary fire in their hearts was never extinguished and the hope and the will to see the struggling masses and the country free from oppression and exploitation never dwindled.

Corning, like a mother to her children on their first stride, guided the team. She was a leader who never lost the mien of Commander Waling-waling whose every command was firm, respected and obeyed. She helped the team take roots in Jalaud in Calinog, Tapaz and Libacao. She linked them to the families of former colleagues in the defunct HMB. The couple also let their eldest son, Dax, join the NPA. He was matyred in 1975. Despite the ferocity of Martial Law, Corning’s family relentlessly assisted the NPA.

Corning was an inspiration to the young batch of revolutionaries. When one of the ladies in the team was contemplating on a name to use in battle, Corning suggested her nom de guerre–Waling-waling. Humbled the young lady declined as she believed there was only one Waling-waling, there could never be any other. But like a true communist, who never rested on her laurels and who believed that the young generations should carry the torch of the continuing revolution, Corning insisted. Thus, the young warrior came to be known as her Junior.

Commander Waling-waling was killed in August 1977 by a military agent under the Central Command of the AFP in Cebu. Upon her death her husband, Andres, despite his advance age, joined the NPA. Together with his whole family, he continued the fight against the US-Marcos dictatorship.

In honor and memory of Coronacion “Waling-waling” Chiva, the Panay Regional Command was named after her. Her valuable contribution to the revolution – the best years of her life spent in the service to the revolutionary movement and the efforts to link the patriotic revolutionaries of the past to the new generation of revolutionaries – will remain an undying memento not just to look back to but to propel the continuing advance of the people’s revolution until the unjust social structures are put to rest.#

Isang Hapon ng Kwentuhan kay Ka Rio, Kabataang Makabayan, Hukbo ng Bayan

in Mainstream
by Liberation Staff

Eskwela, pamilya, mga pangarap, buhay-pakikibaka. Ilan lamang ito sa mga ipinasilip ni Ka Rio sa aming kwentuhan, isang hapon sa isang sonang gerilya. Tunghayan ang isang millennial na sumasalungat sa dikta ng lipunang sa kabila ng kabulukan ay sumisibol ang mga kagaya niyang pag-asa ng bayan.



Naorganisa ako nu’ng second year college ako. Mula ako sa isang local State U (university) ng region. Kasagsagan ‘yun ng campaign sa tuition at miscellaneous fees. Dahil nga pabibo, e di join-join ako. Tapos alam mo ‘yung ano ng kabataan na adventurous, e di ganyan, sali-sali.

Nagpapapirma ako sa mga estudyante ng petisyon na wag natin payagan ‘yung ganito. Ayun, hindi na natuloy ‘yung plano sa school dahil sa petisyong ginawa ng mga organisasyon ng mga estudyante. ‘Yun ‘yung tumulong para i-pursue ang paglaban ng mga kabataang estudyante.

Pero hindi pa ‘ko nagtuloy-tuloy sa pagkilos nu’n. May patlang.
‘Yung sumunod, merong environmental investigative mission sa isang probinsya na merong problema sa mining. E dahil nga ma-adventure ako—at dahil dagat ‘yun!—e, di sama-sama ‘ko. Du’n ako mas na-agit (agitate). Bakit may ganito? Na sa kabila ng kayamanan ng Pilipinas, bakit may mga taong naghihirap— yung magsasaka, mga mangingisda? From there, nagtuloy-tuloy na ‘yung mga activities ko. Nag-gift giving sa isang komunidad ng mga katutubo. Du’n ako nag-Pasko sa kanila.



Hindi pa ako KM (Kabataang Makabayan) nu’n. Basta aktibista. Isa rin ako sa KK nu’n— Kandidatong Kontak! Kasi nga ang tagal na pero hindi pa rin narerekrut! Ilang buwan pa bago ‘ko naging KM. Mula nu’n nagtuloy-tuloy na, hindi na ako napigil. Sumasama ako sa mga RTR (room-to-room) na pagrerekrut, pag-i-ED (educational discussion) sa mga estudyante.

Tapos, naglunsad ng mga pag-aaral sa isang sona (sonang gerilya), du’n pa lang ako nabigyan ng MKLRP, after a month na na-KM ako! Hahaha!



Sa eskwelahan, ‘yung oras lang na allotted sa mga subjects ko, du’n lang ako pumapasok. Tapos ‘yung the rest, nasa ibang kolehiyo na ‘ko, kumakausap ng mga estudyante, nagrerekrut. Hindi naman ako tumigil sa pag-aaral. Pinagsasabay ko ‘yung pagkilos at pag-aaral. Mas maano nga e, dahil guided na ‘ko ng MLM (Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo) principles, ‘yung kahit simpleng pagsusuri sa mga bagay-bagay, naa-apply ko s’ya sa loob ng eskwelahan kaya mas broader at sharper ‘yung mga pagsusuri sa loob ng eskwelahan.

Scholar ako. Hindi ako nagbabayad ng mga tuition fee kasi consistent college scholar. Basta ‘yun ‘yung ano ko sa nanay ko, na ok lang maging aktibista kasi hindi ko naman napapabayaan ang pag-aaral ko. Kahit sa gitna ng examination, midterm ganyan, nakakapunta ako ng mga activities labas sa eskwelahan. Nakakapunta pa ‘ko sa ibang probinsya. Hindi ako mag-e-exam pero kakausapin ko ‘yung prof ko, sasabihin ko na may mga ganitong activity. Dahil pinagkakatiwalaan nila ‘ko na hindi naman ako pabaya sa pag-aaral, pinapayagan nila ‘ko. Nag-e-exam ako pagkatapos na ng activity ko, ganyan.

Kasabay rin nu’n, ako ‘yung president ng academic organization namin sa school.



Psych. AB Psychology ako. Nagkasabay minsan na may pajama party kami sa academic organization namin tapos may ED din. E, ako ‘yung presidente ng org namin, hindi ako nakapunta sa ED! Hahaha! Nasayang ko ‘yung pagkakataon na ‘yun kasi du’n din sana ako bibigyan ng MK (MKLRP – Maikling Kurso sa Lipunan at Rebolusyong Pilipino).



Siguro dahil ‘yung eskwelahan namin may isyu dati na naghukbo ‘yung mga estudyante, tingin nila na ‘yung organisasyon na sinasalihan ko ay aktibista, rekruter daw ng hukbo, ganyan-ganyan. Sa unang bahagi hindi naman nila ako sinasabihang ‘wag ka d’yan’. Sabi lang ‘mag-ingat ka d’yan.’ E di, ‘ok!’.



Pwede kong isantabi ang pag-aaral ko. Babalikan ko siya pagkatapos ng activity. Kaya hindi naging hadlang ‘yung pag-aaral ko sa pagkilos— o baligtarin natin— hindi naging hadlang ‘yung pag-kilos ko sa pag-aaral, ganyan.

Kung nandu’n ‘yung kapasyahan mo na lumaban at ‘yung diwa mo na talagang maglingkod sa estudyante at mamamayan, kahit ano’ng panahon ‘yan, pwede kang lumarga. Hindi ‘yun nagiging rason basta nandu’n ‘yung diwang palaban mo.

Nu’ng fourth year, naging chair ako ng isang University-wide na organisasyon. E di, mas lalong humihingi ‘yun ng panahon sa pagkilos dahil ako nga ‘yung nakatoka. May campaign din, ‘yung pagpapataas ng budget para sa mga State universities kasi may banta pa rin ng pagtataas ng tuition.

Kaya nagpapaliwanag kami sa mga estudyante, hindi dapat burden ng mga estudyante… mga chuchu…dapat ‘yung gobyerno ‘yung singilin natin, ganyan. Another round ng petition ulit! Petition signing, recruitment, ED, RTR na prop ‘yung pinagpapalit-palit na ginagawa namin sa loob ng school.

Nagampanan ko naman ‘yung mga ganu’n habang nag-aaral. Tapos nagti-thesis pa ‘ko nu’n. Thesis. OJT. Yung OJT ko, thrice a week ‘yun pero sa pagitan nu’n pumapasok ako sa school para du’n pa rin sa kampanya, rekrutment, ED.

Kaya ayun, bongga lang ‘pag naiisip ko. Tumbling. Lagare! Hahaha!



Karerista ako nu’ng hindi pa ‘ko aktibista. ‘Yung goal ko talaga, maka-graduate nang laude— cum laude, ganyan. Dapat maintained yung grades ko, dapat college scholar ako lagi.
Nu’ng nagtibak ako, mas tumaas pa ‘yung grado ko, nag-university scholar pa nga ako. Kaya sabi ko, hindi talaga hadlang ‘yun. Kapag nakikita mo, mas lumalawak ‘yung pang-unawa mo sa mga bagay-bagay; mas matalino ka sa loob ng eskwelahan. Di ba? Totoo naman ‘yun, e. Kasi hindi ka nakakulong sa apat na sulok ng pamantasan. ‘Yung teoryang nakukuha natin, mas naa-apply ko nga lalo’t psychology ‘yung kurso ko: paano naaapektuhan ng lipunan ‘yung pag-iisip ng tao. Mga ganu’ng eme! Hahaha!



Pag-graduate ko, hindi agad ako umuwi sa bahay namin. Agad-agad, pumakat ako pagkatapos ng graduation. Kinukumbinsi ako ng nanay ko na umuwi kasi parang may salo-salo sa bahay. Alam mo na, graduation tapos may honors pa ‘ko. Pero sabi ko, wag na. Parang hindi ko na rin inisip ‘yung mga pahanda-handa. ‘Yung mga ka-batch ko ng hayskul may mga laude rin. E di kantyawan, ‘pakain ka naman!’Pero after how many months later pa ‘ko bago umuwi sa bahay namin. E di wala na, panis na! Hahaha!



Nagkomyu (community) kami nu’ng bakasyon. Nag-school-based din ako pagkatapos. Pero ang mungkahi ko du’n sa mga kakolektib (collective) ko, ayoko du’n sa pinag-aralan ko. Gusto ko sa iba na. Kilala kasi ako ng mga dean, mga prof.

Tapos parang pinepersonal kasi ako dun e. Nu’ng wala na ‘ko sa school, may narinig akong kwento na sabi raw ng OSS namin, hindi naman daw ako deserving mag-cum laude chuva-chuva kasi nga raw tibak ako, ganyan. Bitter! Hahaha!



Two years ako sa YS bago ako nag-CS. Comedy lang ‘yung pagpasok ko sa sona (sonang gerilya) nu’n kasi hindi naman talaga ako magti-TOD (tour of duty). Parang meet and greet lang sa mga hukbo, ganyan. Kasama ko ‘yung mga bagong KM, pinapakilala sa kanila ano ang hukbo, eme. Ako naman joiner. Tapos parang ako ‘yung naantig ba, na magpaiwan! Hahaha!

Di ba kampuhan nga ‘yung pinasukan namin, ED festival. Meron du’n isang kasama na gusto nang magpahayag ng pagpupultaym pero 16 years old pa lang so hindi pa pwede. Parang naisip ko, ‘hala siya naiisip na niyang magpultaym kahit 16 pa lang siya, pero ako 22 na ‘ko, hindi ko man lang maisip ‘yun.’ ‘Yung mas bata sa‘kin nakakaisip nang magpultaym kesa sa’kin na mas matanda. “Ano ba, teh?” Ganu’n ‘yung feeling ko.

Tapos meron pang isang kasamang kadre-militar na galing sa lokal, medyo hirap magbasa. Pauwi ako sa kubo ko, nakita ko siyang nagbabasa nang malakas “DA-PAT-PAG-A-RA-LAN…” Matanda na siya. Sabi ko, ‘Ano ba ‘yan!’ Parang na-antig na naman ako. Dito ka na talaga, teh! Hahaha! Eto na talaga ‘yun. Kasi parang ang husay-husay na niyang kadre-militar pero gusto pa niyang mas mahusay na paglingkuran ‘yung mamamayan sa pamamagitan ng pagtataas ng kamulatan sa taktika ng pakikidigma. Kahit na hirap siyang magbasa pero dahil gusto niya, pinu-push niyang magbasa. Sabi ko sa sarili ko, ‘Ikaw ganito, nakapag-aral ka pa!” Hahaha!



‘Yung isang kasama ko lang talaga ang magti-TOD. Wala talaga ‘kong balak magpaiwan. Gusto ko pang mag-aral. Gusto kong magdoktor kasi pangarap ko yun. Nakahiram na ‘ko ng reviewer, nagpaalam na ‘ko sa nanay ko magte-take ako ng entrance exam.

Nasabi ko na rin sa mga kasama sa kampuhan na gusto kong magdoktor. Sabi nila, “E di dito ka na lang magdoktor.” Totoo rin naman, pwede naman talaga. Sa sampung taong namamatay, pito du’n ‘yung hindi nakakakita ng doktor bago mamatay. E lalo dito na sobrang layo ng ospital. Hirap talaga ‘yung masa kasi nga mamamatay na ‘yung pasyente pero nandito pa rin sila sa baryo, nandyan ka pa rin sa daan. Mamamatay na ‘yung pasyente pero papunta ka pa lang.

Tapos napag-isip-isip ko kung magdodoktor ako, sino ‘yung paglilingkuran ko? Syempre ‘yung mayayaman pa rin, ganyan-ganyan ‘yung rason ko. Isa ‘yun sa factor kung bakit ako nagpahayag na magpaiwan for one month.

Pero hindi ko pa naaabot ‘yung one month, nagdeklara na ‘kong magpultaym talaga sa hukbo. Aside sa comrade pressure, hahaha ‘yung eklabu ng mga kasama na “gusto nga nating baguhin ‘yung chuva-chuva,” nag-decide na rin talaga ‘ko.



Actually, wait lang kuha lang ako ng English ko. Pengeng panyo! Hahaha!

Ano, nakakatagal naman, e di ngayon isang taon at tatlong buwan na ‘kong pultaym. Syempre sa buhay hukbo naman talaga, hindi lang naman puro saya. May kakambal siyang sakripisyo, lungkot sa pagka-miss sa pamilya mo, sa labas… sa pagkain, char! Hahaha! ‘Yung bag ko nga dapat hindi nawawalan ng pagkain e. Kahit hindi mo kakainin basta nakikita mo ‘yung pagkain, pang ano lang, pampataas ng morale, “Uy may pagkain pa ‘ko!” Hahaha!

Sakripisyo at sakripisyo din talaga ‘yung ibibigay mo.

Hindi lang ‘yan hirap sa lakaran, kundi ‘yung sa morale din. Pero dahil sabi nga ni Mao, “’Yung katapangan ay nagmumula sa kamulatan natin.” Kaya ang dapat na pini-feed mo lagi ay ‘yung kamulatan mo—‘yung ideo ba—‘yung pagpapataas ng ideo. Para malampasan mo kahit na anong hirap. Kasi ‘yung diwa mo, nakaturol du’n sa layunin mo mismo, ‘yung prinsipyo natin na lumaban. Lagi’t lagi, parang napapansin ko sa sarili ko nagbabasa ako ng dokumento, o kahit na ‘yung I Engage pati ‘yung diary ni Tuy sa Vietnam, kapag nakakabasa ako kahit ilang pages lang, yakang-yaka ko kapag lakaran. Kayang-kaya mo talaga basta may kapasyahan ka. ‘Yun nga, ‘yung katapangan ay nagmumula sa ating kamulatan, sabi ni Mao.



Syempre dahil nga ano… malaki ako! Hahaha! Talagang hirap na hirap din sa akyatan. Hirap pa ‘yung pack ko. May baril pa ‘ko. Pero dahil nga sa mga kasama, hindi ka naman iiwan n’yan, e. Tutulungan at tutulungan ka. Papasanin ‘yung bag mo kapag hirap ka na talaga. Tutulungan ka nila hanggang sa unti-unti mong malagpasan ‘yung mga kahirapan, ganyan.

Bilang babae… hassle ‘pag tag-ulan. Mahirap din yung hindi makaligo. Tapos duduguin ka pa! Pero unti-unti, makakasanayan din.

Dati nu’ng kampuhan, hindi pa ‘ko hukbo nu’n, gumagawa ako ng sampayan. Pero hindi ako marunong magtali kagaya ng ginagawa ng mga kasama ‘yung hindi lumalaylay. Tapos 30 minutes nang nakasampay sa balikat ‘yung basa kong damit, hindi pa rin ako tapos. Umuulan din nu’n, gusto ko nang magsampay kasi nangangawit na ‘yung braso ko. Paano ba ‘to? Shet ayoko na! Hahaha! Sampayan pa lang ‘yun ha! Pero ngayon napag-aralan ko na, yakang-yaka na! Ilang buwan lang din, marunong na ‘kong gumawa ng sariling tent. Chicken!

Nung pumasok ako, may dala akong wipes (wet tissue paper). Good for yung stay ko lang. Kaso nagdesisyon nga akong magpaiwan na. Habang nauubos ang wipes ko, unti-unti akong natuto gumamit ng dahong pamunas pag nagbawas. Ngayon, alam ko nang ang dahon ng saging ang pinakamalambot na pamunas.



Less than 10? Tapos ilan lang ‘yung may asawa du’n, dalawa. ‘Yung isa may anak na, ‘yung isa wala pa. Pero pagka pati ‘yung kasama sa ibang yunit, mga 20 siguro. Parang pinaliit na platun.
Haluan din. May mga peti-b (petty bourgeois) galing Maynila, meron ding lokal. Maraming galing sa hanay ng kabataan.



Siguro sa lakaran mismo. Du’n pa ‘ko nag-a-adjust talaga, e. Lalo ‘yung mahirap na lakaran – maputik, maulan, mataas ‘yung putik sa dadaanan mo, tapos may komand pa na hindi pwedeng mag-ilaw kasi nga may kaaway sa paligid. Nu’ng nasa recovery area kami, yung half day paakyat, half day pababa sa bundok. Ang hirap din nu’n.

Du’n ko naranasan na two weeks hirap sa pagkain. ‘Yung galyang ‘yung ulam mo, galyang din ‘yung kanin mo. Ima-mash mo ‘yung galyang tapos ‘yun na rin ‘yung ulam mo. As in wala na talaga. Pati ‘yung pagsasawsawan mo ng galyang ‘yung mamasa-masa nang asin, as in! Sabi ko, ‘ano ba ‘to?’

Meron pa, ‘yung walang-wala na talagang bigas, walang kape, walang asukal. Wala talagang supply. Pinipigilan din ng mga kaaway na may makapasok na supply. Kahit ‘yung pagkain ng mga masa, hindi inaaprubahan. Pinapababa nga nila sa baryo para hindi raw sila makapagdala ng pagkain sa mga NPA.
May mga pagkakataong sampung araw na walang liguan.

Merong maghapon ka na ngang basa, uulanin ka pa. Pero walang bumaba (umalis sa hukbo) nu’ng panahon ng kahirapan na ‘yun.



Nu’ng parehong panahon din na ‘yun, nu’ng wala kaming makain. First time ko nu’n. Hindi naman ako masyadong kinabahan, ganu’n. Kinabahan ako nu’ng unang putok. Akala pa nga ng marami sa’min, kawayan lang na natumba. Pero nu’ng sunod-sunod na, hindi na ‘to kawayan, kaaway na to! Hahaha! Laban na pala ‘yun.

Nu’ng una, dahil nga first time ko makarinig ng putok, hindi ko alam ‘yung gagawin ko. Kinuha ko lang ‘yung pack ko tapos ‘yun, sumunod na ‘ko sa komand. Nahirapan akong kunin ‘yung turod kasi susi nga ‘yun, dahil nga mabigat ako-may pack pa ‘ko, may baril pa, malubak pa.

‘Yun naman, kailangan may presence of mind ka, ganyan.
May ise-share pa ‘ko pero pagkain na naman, e. Hahaha! Dahil du’n sa duration ng walang pagkain, walang supply, ‘yung breakfast namin nu’n ‘yung saging na matigas pa. ‘Yun ‘yung pinang-umagahan namin bago kami napalaban. Tigdadalawang saging ‘yung S4 (supply) namin. ‘Yung saging na ‘yun ‘yung nagbigay lakas para harapin ‘yung kaaway. Dalawang saging ka lang! Hahaha!

Hindi mahirap ‘yung laban pero mahirap ‘yung atras. Lalo na nu’ng may helicopter na. Feeling mo lagi kang nakikita nu’ng helicopter. ‘Hala baka mag-machine gun ‘yan!’ ganyan-ganyan. ‘Yun ‘yung worries naming mga first time napalaban.

Masaya pag nababalikan, nakakatuwa na nalagpasan lahat ng ganu’ng kahirapan.



Minsan talaga napupuna ‘ko sa hindi ko pagsasabi ng mga problema ko. Tunganga lang ako, sa duyan lang ako, sa kubol lang ako. Pero sinisikap ko rin sa sarili ko na mag-open up kasi nga mahirap talaga pag may bagahe. Mas mahirap ‘yung bagahe sa isip kesa ‘yung bagahe mo na nakapasan sa likod mo, ‘yung pack mo. Pak!

Totoo naman, di ba? Mas madaling maglakad na malaya ‘yung isip mo. Kahit nga ‘yung wala kang dala, kapag may mabigat kang iniisip, ang hirap maglakad, di ba? Mahirap makalayo, mahirap makarating sa gusto mong puntahan.



Nu’ng na-witness ko ‘yung mismong pagtatayo ng rebolusyonaryong gobyernong bayan, ‘yung eleksyon ng mga opisyales, ‘yung pagbabalangkas ng plano, ‘yung programa ng isang buong taon, ‘yung kung paano mamamahala sa buong baryo.

Tapos itong kakatapos lang na anti-pyudal na kampanya – kung paano siya nabalangkas na tumurol sa pakikipagdayalogo ng mga magsasaka na naipagtagumpay na mapababa ang porsyento ng mga pautang sa kanila, ganyan.

Sa ngayon, ito rin siguro ‘yung isa sa pinakamasayang inilunsad ng mga hukbo na anti-pyudal na kampanya.



Huling uwi ko nu’ng May, nung eleksyon. Tapos June kami pumasok sa larangan. Mga bandang August, nagpapaalam ako na uuwi na muna pansamantala. Magpapahayag lang ako na magpupultaym na. Hindi ako pinayagan. Bandang November nang sumulat ako sa kanilang naghukbo na ‘ko, walang reply! Hahaha!

Later, nagpaabot sila na uwi raw muna ‘ko. Para raw maalis ‘yung hinala ng mga tao na NPA na ‘ko. Sabi ko, ‘hayaan mo, mapapagod din ‘yan!’



Hindi pa. Takot pa sila



Nitong nakaraan nakauwi ako. Kasama ko ‘yung isang ka-buddy. Naiyak ‘yung nanay ko kasi pumayat daw ako! Tears of joy? Hahaha! Kwento lang ng ka-buddy ko, kinausap daw siya ng nanay ko. “Alam mo,” iyak-iyak daw ‘yung nanay ko, “Bakit, ‘nang?” sabi niya. “Si Rio, ngayon lang pumayat ‘yan!” Tapos tawa nang tawa ‘yung ka-buddy ko habang kinukwento sa’kin, ganyan.

Tapos nu’ng pumunta kami ng palengke, sabi ng nanay ko, “Hala! Mangongotong kayo?” Sabi ko, “Hala! Ganu’n mo ba ‘ko tinitingnan? Grumadweyt ba ‘ko para mangotong lang? Kung talagang mangongotong ako, ‘Ma, magtatrabaho na lang ako! Mas malaki kotong du’n!” Hahaha! Hindi na siya nagsasalita kapag sinasabihan ko nang ganu’n.



Wala akong narinig na ganu’n. ‘Yung tatay ko, sabi ko, “Pa, gusto ko ng pizza.” Sabi niya, “Magkano ba ‘yung magpatayo ng tindahan ng pizza? Magganu’n ka na lang dito!” Hahaha! Magbenta na lang daw ako ng pizza! Haggard! Alam din ‘yung kahinaan ko, e. Pagkain! Hahaha!

Pero unti-unti, kapag nakikita ng magulang na decisive ‘tsaka determinado tayo sa ginagawa natin, susuportahan naman talaga nila tayo. Na dito nila nakikita na masaya ‘yung anak nila.



Pagkain din! Hahaha! Nagdrama lang ako, sinubukan ko lang manghingi ng grocery. Sabi ni Mama, ‘O sige papadalhan kita.’ E, di sinabi ko ‘yung mga pangangailangan ko. Tapos sabi niya, “Kailan mo raw babayaran ‘yang grocery, sabi ng Papa mo?” Hahaha!

Tawa ‘ko nang tawa kasi hindi na ‘yung pag-uwi ko ang tinatanong ng tatay ko, ‘yung pagbabayad na ng grocery!

Nu’ng umuwi ako, sinamahan pa ‘ko ng nanay at ate ko sa pagbili ng mga gamit pagbalik. ‘Yung ate ko pa ‘yung nag-empake ng gamit ko. Happy! Bawas bagahe.



Wala. Kasi ako nga mismo hindi handa! Hahaha! Surprise sa ating lahat!

Nu’ng hindi pa ako KM, nakapunta na ang mga tibak sa bahay. Du’n sila nag-Christmas. Tanong sa’kin ng nanay ko, “Nak, aktibista ba ‘yang mga kasama mo?” Sabi ko, “Hindi!” Ganu’n ‘yung tanggi ko. E, hindi ko rin alam pa nu’n kung aktibista nga sila. Hindi pa naman ako gaanong mulat kung ano ‘yung aktibista. Pero nu’ng nagra-rally-rally na ‘ko, feeling ko alam na nila.



Oo, kinukwento ko sa kanila. Halimbawa ‘yung pakat sa community, ‘yung mining, ‘yung pagsasamantalang malapyudal, mga ganu’n-ganu’n. Tapos mga karanasan ko rin sa eskwelahan.

Naiintindihan naman nila kasi syempre nararamdaman din nila ‘yung hirap. ‘Yung korupsyon mismo ‘yung nakikita nilang rason kung bakit nga naghihirap. Kaya lilinyahan na lang ‘yung kaalaman nila. Papalamnan ko na lang ng anti-imperyalistang linya para wasto ‘yung pagsusuri nila.



Oo, nu’ng sumulat ako. Sabi ng mga kasama dito nu’ng pinabasa ko sa kanila, “Hindi naman ‘to sulat, e! ED to, e!”

Reaksyon? E, di mayat! Ok naman. Haha! Pero syempre dahil magulang sila, ang worry lagi nila ay ‘yung security. Sabi ko nga sa kanila, “dito nga nagpapamahagi na kami ng lupa!” Sabi ng Papa ko, “Pero inaanop (hina-hunting) naman kayo ng mga kaaway!” Sabi ko, “Ganu’n talaga kasi sila ‘yung nagkakait ng lupa sa mga magsasaka. Talagang ganu’n ‘yung gagawin nila. E, kami ‘yung nagpapamahagi ng lupa sa mga magsasaka.” Tapos hindi na nakaimik ‘yung tatay ko.

“Basta mag-ingat ka na lang d’yan,” ‘yun lang sagot niya. Tanggap na nila na dito na talaga ako.



Wala! Hahaha!

May naghapag dati ng program. Tinanggap ko for a time, binigyan ko ng one month pero wala talaga, e. Pero ayoko muna. Paunlad muna, hmmm char!

Syempre, dahil naman ikaw ay kabataan, meron ka ring prospect minsan, nagugustuhan, ganyan. Pero dahil nga ano…. Haayyy… bumaba siya.



Nakakalungkot syempre. May mga naging ka-buddy rin ako na nawala na. Syempre ‘yung layunin na mag-maintain, magparami ng hukbo, magpasampa. Pero ‘yung kasama mo sana sa pagpaparami, sila naman ‘yung umuuwi.

Pero syempre, hindi naman nila iniuwi ‘yung rebolusyon.



Ano ‘to, slumbook? Hahaha!

Mas natutuwa talaga ako ‘pag may sulat. Pero syempre mas matutuwa pa ‘ko kung may pasalubong na pagkain ‘yung sulat! Hahaha! Palagi kong inaasahan, kapag may galing sa ibang larangan o sa lunsod, lagi kong tinatanong kung may sulat ba. Syempre nami-miss ko sila.



Slumbook nga ‘to! Hahaha!

Marami, lalo na dito sa sona. Sabi ko nga sa nanay ko, ‘wag mag-aala dahil marami akong nanay dito na nag-aalaga sa ‘kin.
Meron pa nga ‘yung halimbawa ‘pag nagpa-pack up na, lalakad na kami, feeling ko nagagalit yung masa. Ayaw paalisin ‘yung hukbo, ‘yung ganu’n. Gusto pa nilang mag-stay ‘yung hukbo. Syempre hindi naman pwede dito na lang tayo forever, ganu’n. Gusto pa nating magpalawak, ganyan.

Meron pa ‘yung iba, syempre dalaga ako, ‘yung iba gusto akong manugangin, ‘dito ka na lang.’Tapos meron pa ‘yung isang nanay na nagsabi, “Pag ikakasal ka, dito ka na lang magpakasal, ha. Para malapit lang ako.” Natatawa na lang ako ‘pag nakakarinig ng ganu’n.

Tapos ‘yung mga simpleng mga gamit. Mga gamit na kahit hindi ka humihiling kusa silang nagbibigay. Mga shampoo, mga sabon, kahit bag. Parang mahihiya kang tanggihan kasi nga bigay nila ‘yun. Kunin mo na lang.

Lalo ‘pag mainit ka rin makipag-usap sa kanila, talagang tatatak ka sa kanila. Hindi ka makakalimutan ng masa. Kahit simpleng pagtatrabaho lang sa loob ng bahay. ‘Yung dapat hindi nagtatrabaho ‘yung masa kapag nand’yan ‘yung hukbo. May magluluto, maglilinis, parang ganu’n. Rotation ‘yung mga kasama sa pagtatrabaho. Parang ayaw na nilang paalisin ‘yung mga hukbo.

Tapos ‘yung kahit gaano kalayo at nakakapagod ‘yung lakaran, kapag sinalubong ka nila nang kasing init ng iaalok nilang kape, ‘yun ang pinakamasarap.



Mas sa expansion area, du’n sa ibang probinsya. Kami rin kasi ‘yung nakatoka. Team lang kami. ‘Yung isang sityo, pupulungin tapos bubuuan ng GP (grupong pang-organisa). Dahil nga expansion, tapos dekada nang hindi nakakadalaw ‘yung hukbo doon – mahirap, makunat. Pero dahil assertive tayo tapos hindi napuputol ‘yung pagpapamulat, pagpapataas bakit kailangang itayo ‘yung GP, pumayag din silang itayo ‘yung GP.

Pakikisama. Kasi ‘yung masa nu’n, ‘yung sa pakikisama, mahirap. Parang matigas sila. Parang ayaw magpatayo [ng GP]. Pero dahil may kinikilala silang panglakay(?), pinakamatanda sa sityo, ‘yun ‘yung sinusunod. Syempre du’n ka mag-i-invest ng pamulat. E di pumayag sila na tayuan ng GP.

Kasi isyu sa kanila, tres pesos ‘yung gabi per kilo. Luya, tres pesos. Pero pagdating sa palengke, mahal na. ‘Tsaka ‘yung sa mining area. ‘Yun ‘yung isyu sa kanila nu’n, kaya ayun naman ‘yung ipinaliwanag sa kanila. Kasi punung-puno rin ng isyu sa kanila. ‘Yung pyudal na pagsasamantala tapos ‘yung mining.



Pang-miss universe? Pengeng tubig! Hahaha! My pamili…. Hahaha!

Siguro ‘yung… dati mahiyain ako humarap sa mga tao. Pero ngayon, ‘yun ang isang na-breakthrough ko sa sarili ko, ‘yung pagkamahiyain.

Na-strengthen din ‘yung pakikisama at pakikitungo ko sa masa at mga kasama. ‘Yung madali akong makibagay sa kahit anong klaseng tao.

Tapos ‘yung lumawak ‘yung pang-unawa. Dati parang punung-puno ako ng subjectivism. “E bakit ganito? Dapat ganito! Dapat ganito!” Idealism at subjectivism. Ngayon, napag-aralan ko na, at patuloy pa ring pinag-aaralan syempre, na lawakan pa ‘yung pang-unawa. Lalo at ‘yung isang nakatokang gawain sa akin e ‘yung pagpapataas ng morale sa mga kasama. Pagtulong kung paano ang pagresolba sa mga personal nilang problema. Dapat ikaw mismo, ganu’n ka rin sa sarili mo.

Pero syempre, ‘yung pinakaimportante du’n, ‘yung kapasyahan mo na kapag may gusto ka talagang gawin na pagpapaulad sa sarili mo, syempre ibukas mo ‘yung sarili mo sa pag-unlad. Tulungan mo ‘yung sarili mo para umunlad ka. Kaya ‘yung lahat ng gawain, kung gusto mong matutunan, ‘yun ‘yung dapat mong maging aktitud. ‘Yung gusto mo laging may matututunan. ###

Love a Revolutionary, Love the Revolution

in Mainstream
by Trisha Sarmiento

The cold wind, sturdy pine trees and the scenic mountain ranges of the Cordilleras in Northern Luzon set the perfect mood for  the wedding of two guerrilla fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA).  The  ceremony was held March 29, 2017, right after the Cordillera NPA Regional Command, the Chadli Molintas Command, celebrated the NPA’s 48th founding anniversary.

It was everything a wedding should be. The bride held a bouquet and wildflowers adorned the aisle for the bridal march.  There was the exchange of marriage vows and the signing of the marriage contract issued by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP). The couple also had the NPA’s version of the saber arch, counseling from the members of their collectives, and tips and advice from the wedding sponsors. The much-awaited first kiss of Ka Guiller and Ka Nancy as husband and wife sealed the promise of liberating love.  


No ordinary love

Comrade Nancy joined the revolutionary armed movement in May 2014. Ka Guiller was her squad leader.  The attraction between the two slowly developed as they carried out their political tasks in the NPA. They started to know each other really well. Later, Guiller would convince Nancy to become a full-time member of the NPA.  Even when they were assigned to separate units, their attachment to each other grew stronger. Three months later, they found themselves in an “informal” relationship, meaning that their respective units or collectives had yet to approve of their relationship as required by the Party and NPA processes.

As part of NPA discipline, new recruits are dissuaded from entering into a relationship for at least a year to give them time to fully adjust to their tasks in the people’s army. But Guiller and Nancy pursued their relationship despite the restriction and caution from their respective units. This led to conflicts between them and between their units such that they decided to temporarily leave the people’s army.

Both went back to the city, and for more than a year, Ka Guiller and Ka Nancy actively took part in the urban mass movement before they sought the consent of their respective collectives to formalize their relationship. They went through deep-going criticism and self-criticism. While in the urban mass movement, the couple faced more problems and conflicts. However, they managed to overcome these obstacles with the support of their respective groups, but what impelled them more was the love they have nurtured for each other, for the masses and for the revolution.

And so, after one-and-a half years in the urban center and, after undergoing assessment and criticism and self-criticism sessions with their collectives, Ka Guiller and Ka Nancy decided to return to Cordillera to take part in the struggle they both truly love: to serve the revolution as full-time NPA fighters.

Months later, Ka Nancy and Ka Guiller exchanged vows in the presence of the Red fighters, their friends, and the rural masses.

“Marahas ang digma, pero mas marahas ang mga pinag-uugatan nito. Kapasyahan natin ang pagtahak sa landas na ito. Ang ating pagpili ay siyang ating pagtindig. Ang ating pagtindig ay atin ding panata. Panata, hindi lamang sa iyo, mahal, higit lalo sa bayan nating minamahal. Ang mga kabundukan ang ating paraisong tirahan, at sa piling ng minumutyang masa tayo ay napapanday.

Hanggang sa pagkakapatas,

Hanggang sa pagpula ng silangan,

Hanggang sa ganap na tagumpay.

Sa kahuli-hulihan, ikaw ay mananatili,

Ang aking katiwasayan sa gitna ng marahas na digmaan.”

(“War is cruel, but its roots are more violent. It is our choice to take this path. Our choice is our stand. Our stand is our commitment; a commitment, not only for you, my love, but most of all, for the people who we truly love. The mountains are our haven and with the masses, we are tempered.

Through stalemate,

When the east turns red,

To complete victory,

In the end, you remain,

My calm in a violent war.”)

“Nagmahal. Nagwasto. Nagtagumpay.” (We have loved. We have rectified. We have triumphed.).

These words sum up the love story of Guiller and Nancy.


Revolutionary love

Like all revolutionary couples, Ka Guiller and Ka Nancy adhere to the CPP  policy on marriage and relationships laid down in  the document “On Proletarian Relationship of Sexes” observed and followed since the 70s. In 1998, the policy was revised to include same-sex relationship and marriage apart from further discussions on  courtship, marriage, divorce, and disciplinary actions. The NPA has its own guidelines based on the principles stated in the Party policy.

Without doubt, revolutionaries, like other individuals, do fall in love.

The difference is that revolutionaries express their love for each other in the context of the revolutionary interests of the people. While there is “sex love,”  there is also “class love”,  and the latter  in fact is considered the principal aspect that defines the essence of their love.  In the service of the revolution  love springs, blooms and grows, hence love relationships cannot but serve and uphold the revolutionary aspirations of the Party and the proletariat. For revolutionaries, love is an integral part and a great expression of their revolutionary commitment.

Revolutionaries maintain the right to freely choose whom to love, but  there are restrictions as well as responsibilities.  “Free love”, “sexual freedom” or anarchy in relationships are strictly prohibited as this can lead to the violation of the rights of others, irresponsibility in the relationship, and breach of organizational discipline.

In short anarchism in love contradicts the revolution’s objective to establish a just society and the real equality of the sexes.  Hence revolutionaries find the rationale behind the guiding principles of the Party  on love, relationship and sex. Such principles draw a line between freedom and discipline, between rights and responsibilities, and between emotions and principles.

These principles aim to secure the interest of the Party and the revolution at all cost, protect the rights of every revolutionary  and other individuals who may be involved, and advance a healthy proletarian relationship between couples inside the revolutionary movement.


Love a revolutionary

The dominant kind of love today is just a mere reflection of the existing social order and culture. In a semi-colonial and semi-feudal system, love can be oppressive, patriarchal and decadent in character, vulnerable to abuses and violations of the rights of others.

Revolutionaries know that to liberate love from oppression one must strive harder to revolutionize and liberate the entire unjust society. This is what the love story of Ka Guiller and Ka Nancy has shown.

And they are not alone.  Revolutionary love blossoms in many NPA camps, farms, workplaces, campuses, communities and institutions where the national democratic revolution has taken its roots. Indeed, no love is sweeter and nobler than revolutionizing society in the company of one you truly love and want to share the rest of your life with.  Hence loving a revolutionary is experiencing a kind of love that is selfless and liberating, guided and grounded so that it genuinely serves the people.

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